fire alarms were a reoccuring thing in my dreams. :o/
i was doing PE with my teacher at my secondary school, when all of a sudden the fire alarm goes off. we walked out as we would during a fire drill, and i came across this guy (as well as some sonic the hedgehog looking characters) who told me that we could head over to the co-op to get some food. i went with them, but realised shortly we weren't going to the co-op.
we arrive at this abandoned place, and we explore for a while. one of the sonic looking characters came across this strange artifact: a giant spiral ramp made of rusting metal. the people i'm with go up the ramp, but my gut screamed at me to stay where i was. in the corner of my eye, i could barely make out this purple figure, but whenever i looked the figure would hide. as usual, i didn't think much of it.
eventually we went back to school... except my school was suddenly my primary school. it's lunchtime now, there were kids everywhere!! the dream ends with me and the people i was with climbing over the fence to get back in.
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