vosim are you okay bro. ummmm
my nan was giving me and my sister some furbies (they were furby booms). seems normal, right???
well, i was playing with mine for a while, when all of a sudden these people break into my room. they told me they found us through the spy devices they put into the furbies we were given, and we had to come with them. i fled from my house away from them, and i bumped into this person who looked like minecraft steve. i tell them what happened and steve digs down like a fox to this bright bunker, and i was told this place was where we'd hide from the people who broke into my home.
i look around and came across vosim, who, for some reason, had really big human-like eyes, and they were green?? the people who broke into my home found our bunker, and after a lot of fighting we defeated those people!! vosim's eyes went back to normal after that :]
now i'm at tescos for some reason with the SMG4 crew, it ends when a thief just casually takes the building and traps us inside LMAO
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